I knew there would never be an ideal time to start up a new blog and website, but decided to take the plunge despite it being rather chaotic around here (to say the least).
First off – a rather h u g e project that’s been going-on behind the scenes. Can’t say too much right now, but will fill you in at a later date…

Secondly – I’ve been away on a rather incredible trip to Europe! Yep we naughtily took the kids out of school (a real rarity, honest) and flew off to a friend’s wedding in Ibiza. Yes Ibiza. No, Pete Tong wasn’t the celebrant. I had visions of being one of ‘those’ bloggers – you know, those women with an innate coolness – tapping away on a laptop at various European cafes. Perhaps daintily picking at a mille-feuille, while sipping on a strong espresso. I might have been on a family holiday, but let’s face it – food and baking were always going to feature quite strongly! So I dreamt how I’d blog and share my wonderful tales of European food discoveries, with much hilarity.
Pretty soon into the trip I did indeed find myself sat at a vibrant Spanish café bustling with locals. Sipping on a café con leche, safe in the knowledge that churros con chocolate were on the way, my thoughts turned to writing the blog. And then my two (slightly sweaty) kids arrived back from playing football with my lovely, kind husband to join me. We swiftly ordered more churros con chocolate, because quite frankly, you can never have enough churros…

And THAT is precisely where all thoughts of my blog ended! I would have felt far too pretentious sitting there writing
about food, rather than just scoffing it and enjoying the moment with my precious family. So that’s exactly what I did!
I’ve had many serious health issues in my life and as cliched as it sounds – life IS precious. So while I DID eat the most amazing paella in Valencia (the home of paella it turns out), croissants in Paris, beautiful pasta in Montmartre, churros (oh so many churros) in Barcelona, and jam doughnuts and Cornish pasties in England… what I didn’t do is write about them!
And I don’t regret it for a moment.